Biostatistics was up next, and what an amazing relief. From the syllabus, it looked like this was a rehash of the social stats class I took last year which is both good and bad. Apparently the teacher before him was a beast, but this guy is hilarious. He wants to take the scary out of statistics, but primarily, "the most important thing is by the end of the course, you love me." I am going to adapt a lot of his material if I get to teach a class at Bellarmine this year. When I found out he used to be an actor, it made sense that his style seemed similar to the way I instruct.
Last class of the day was Philosophy of Science. I admit that I have serious math envy and had already read a good chunk of Hawking before class. I would have loved to have been a philosopher if there was anyway to pay the mortgage by sitting around and thinking all day! I started working on the first essay assignment discussing space-time and defining several terms; if I actually submit what I think I am going to submit, my instructor is going to think I am either a real thinker, an idiot, or a wack-job.
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