Chapters five, six, and eighteen - about 70 pages
Additional readings (ACS and CDC reports - another 30 pages)
About 30 homework questions
Blackboard discussion
Quiz (4-hour time limit)
Biological Treatments of Psychiatric Disorders
Stahl chapters one through four - 122 pages
Pliska chapter seven - 20 pages
Discussion board posts on chapter reading
2 chapters - 60 pages
Webcasts (a little over an hour)
Submit a test question that covers descriptive statistics
Complete review questions
Test 1
Interviewing and Counseling
Chapter three - 20 pages
Descriptive Log
Philosophy of Science
Read "A Briefer History of Time"
Chapter 1
Essay quiz submission
And this week was my first, and hopefully only, official goof. In his mercy. my bioethics teacher let me turn in my question a day late because I neglected to see Friday, not Sunday was the due date. I was not the only culprit and he sent our an email that sufficiently chastised me to the point where I already have the assignment for next week completed. The great news is, I got 100 on my test - doing the review questions does pay off . . .
. . . unlike in epidemiology where I bombed the quiz and lowered my grade to a B. Lovely. Next week is the midterm and there is supposed to be 10 points extra credit. I imagine the credit will be as impossible to get as her normal test questions. I would not mind doing so badly if I could understand the rational for asking some of the questions (seriously, 20% of it came from the book and a bunch had unnecessary word-play that had nothing to do with understanding the material . . . and having taken MSN board exams, those questions do test you understanding, not your test-taking ability!) and get an explanation of the answers. Alas, it is sink or swim. If I ever needed validation I am not cut out for public health, it was this week.
And yes, I am behind on the reading. This week has been nuts in many ways and I have come to the realization I have to budget in more study time and take less patients. Thankfully I have all Labor Day to labor away and catch up!
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