Graduation Instructions
College of Graduate Health Sciences
The Fed Ex Forum: May 25, 2012, 1:30 p.m.
1. The commencement program will be held in the FedEx Forum, located at 191 Beale Street.
2. Parking is available in the Forum parking garage or surrounding area lots.
3. Students, faculty and staff who are participating in the graduation program are requested to be at the Fed Ex Forum in the appropriate assembly area by 12:45 p.m.
4. The assembly areas are located on the lower concourse and are best reached through the main entrance. Once inside the lobby area, the elevators to the lower level are located to the right at the top of the steps. The areas will be marked with signs for easy identification. Only ceremony participants are allowed in the line-up area.
5. DON'T FORGET TO BRING YOUR CAP AND GOWN. Orders for academic regalia can be made in the UT Bookstore or by calling 901-448-5413. The regalia may be picked up in the Bookstore on the Wednesday and Thursday of graduation week.
The Line-Up and Procession
6. The class president is designated as the class marshal and is responsible for getting the class into the correct line-up. A faculty committee member is designated as the college marshal. The college marshal will have a name/number list indicating the beginning and ending person in each row. You should go to the class marshal for assistance in locating your line-up position. The correct line-up is critical to the issuing of diplomas and to the "hooding sequence." Please stay in position.
7. Tassels on the academic caps for all candidates should be worn on the right front quarter of the cap.
8. The procession is led by the Mace Bearer and leaves the assembly area promptly at 1:30 p.m. Each college will be led in the procession by the college marshal who will also assist in the seating procedure. Please remain in correct order.
The Seating
9. The correct seating order will be directed by the college marshals utilizing the name/number list. Seating is done two rows at a time. Fill up the entire row. The second person in line for the college must leave an empty seat for the banner carrier (the first person in line for the college).
10. Remain standing, the Chancellor will preside and ask for an invocation and the singing of the National Anthem. Following the National Anthem all persons should be seated.
The Charge
11. A “Charge to the Candidates” will be given.
The Conferring of Degrees
12. Each dean will present their candidates for the conferring of their degrees. Follow the instructions given by the Dean and the Chancellor.
13. Tassels will be moved from right to left at the direction of the Alumni Association President.
The Hooding and Diplomas
14. The dean of each college will call for the graduates in the college to rise and come forward to receive their diplomas and academic hoods.
15. Only the front row rises and proceeds to the stairs on the right-hand side of the stage. Follow the directions of the Ceremonies Committee members (in red tams). At the top of the stairs, stand in front of the "hooding box" facing the audience. After the hood is placed over your head, and on signal from the "hooder," step to the right and proceed to the center of the stage to receive your diploma from the Dean.
16. As you approach the Dean, receive your diploma with your left hand and shake hands with your right hand.
17.After receiving the diploma, continue across the stage and down the steps back to your row and seat.
18. As the last person in the row proceeds to the stage, the next row rises in unison in order that the first person in the next row may be ready to proceed to the stage. The previous row will sit, when the last person of that row has returned to their original seat. Do not leave the arena floor.
The Benediction and Recessional
19. Rise and men remove caps at the benediction. Replace cap and remain standing.
20. Recessional: Faculty and administration are led by the Mace Bearer and are followed by the graduates.
21. The recessional moves from the Forum floor back to the assembly/ gowning area. Please do not break the line and congest the recessional.
22. Caps, gowns, hoods and honor stoles must be turned in immediately following the ceremony in the gowning area.
23. Diplomas, in graduation jackets, will be distributed in the same area immediately following the recessional.
24. A photographer will be photographing each graduate as you are hooded and as you receive your diploma. Proofs of the photos will posted on the web site listed in the commencement program within a few days after graduation so that you may purchase copies, if you so desire.
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